How to buy the Chamaeleon books :
The Chamaeleon series is currently available as an ebook for the following ereaders:
Amazon Kindle
Barnes & Noble Nook
Sony ereader
Apple iphone, ipod and ipad Apples itunes
Or click on the book covers to go directly to Amazon UK.
Or you can buy it direct from this website.
If you don't own a Kindle you can download a free Kindle Reader app for your PC from Amazon.
The first book, Chamaeleon: the Secret Spy, was published in November 2011 and its sequel Chamaeleon: The Dragon Key is now available. If you haven't read the first book yet you might want to get round to it soon!
Amazon Kindle
Barnes & Noble Nook
Sony ereader
Apple iphone, ipod and ipad Apples itunes
Or click on the book covers to go directly to Amazon UK.
Or you can buy it direct from this website.
If you don't own a Kindle you can download a free Kindle Reader app for your PC from Amazon.
The first book, Chamaeleon: the Secret Spy, was published in November 2011 and its sequel Chamaeleon: The Dragon Key is now available. If you haven't read the first book yet you might want to get round to it soon!
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Website created and maintained by Dianne G. Davies 2012